
Routine Empowerment: 17 Habits To Build A “Power Routine”.

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine” 🌸 Empowerment arises from knowing how worthy you truly are. It’s all about self-respect & self-love. It’s about strengthening your mind into believing that you can achieve anything you set it to. However, goals can only be achieved with passion, hard work & a consistent routine.  How you build your routine will create the foundation of your success but it’s how consistently you follow through that will ultimately deliver success to you. The more you respect & stick to your schedule, the faster you achieve your list of goals.  The day I decided to choose Empowerment as a lifestyle, I knew I needed to take a close look at my existing habits and make necessary rectifications. I knew I needed to eliminate, incorporate and even alter certain aspects of my life that needed change. I finally realized that this is my life and I needed to take control of it.  To learn a little more about my journey towards Empowerment, fee

An Empowered Beginning: 16 Power Moves To Empower Your Life.

The most exhilarating  feeling is to finally wake up & find yourself radiating in an entirely different aura. It’s a moment of freshness, a feeling of freedom. It’s almost as if you’ve been given a second shot at life. This moment is your sub-conscience finally giving you the green light to let go of all your worries & all forms of stress.  A new chance to leave mbehind all the heavy baggage you’ve been carrying around for so long. Yes! this is your empowered beginning, your green light GO! For the last five years depression & anxiety became a suffering part of me. I’ve had a disturbed past in regards to the way people perceived & treated me. I grew up feeling like an outcast even in my own country & amongst children my age. However, I started noticing severe signs of depression around the age of 20, when I got into a highly toxic & abusive relationship. This relationship was a true eye opener & showed me exactly what I did not want in a partner. I was alway