An Empowered Beginning: 16 Power Moves To Empower Your Life.

Empowered woman, independent, work

The most exhilarating  feeling is to finally wake up & find yourself radiating in an entirely different aura. It’s a moment of freshness, a feeling of freedom. It’s almost as if you’ve been given a second shot at life. This moment is your sub-conscience finally giving you the green light to let go of all your worries & all forms of stress.  A new chance to leave mbehind all the heavy baggage you’ve been carrying around for so long. Yes! this is your empowered beginning, your green light GO!

For the last five years depression & anxiety became a suffering part of me. I’ve had a disturbed past in regards to the way people perceived & treated me. I grew up feeling like an outcast even in my own country & amongst children my age. However, I started noticing severe signs of depression around the age of 20, when I got into a highly toxic & abusive relationship. This relationship was a true eye opener & showed me exactly what I did not want in a partner. I was always a hopeless romantic but my partner at the time made me lose all hope in the idea of love. My troubled state of mind was a result of his actions and I wasted so many years of my life on a person who drained me off all optimism while corrupting my beliefs & putting an end to my ambition & self esteem. 
The question is…”Am I over that phase?” 
But, Am I healing? 
How does a 25 year old with severe mental health concerns suddenly decide to turn over a new leaf? Well, it’s a choice needed to be made. 
I asked myself, “Do I choose to suffer in silence or do I choose to open up & heal.”
Life may never go the way you plan for it to but it certainly leaves you with choices. In life you will always have a choice, even though the consequences might be unknown you still have a choice that needs to be made, irrespective of how uncertain the future is. 

These last five years have drained me off the energy I needed to succeed. However, from today, I choose otherwise. I choose to be happy & I choose to find the beauty within myself that makes me worthy. I choose to be EMPOWERED & this time, I am NOT TURNING BACK!

Beach, relaxation, beach photo, waves, sunset

This is my first blog post ever and I couldn’t be more excited. 
Oh the happiness I get from writing!  I remember my childhood & how my favorite part of an english exam was creative writing. I always left it for the very end because I knew I could instantly figure out a story & end the test on a good note. 

Writing is immensely powerful. Its a platform created to express oneself in a manner “spoken words” never could. 
Over the years, I lost the ability to be vocal, to communicate with a sense of confidence or assert my views boldly & precisely. I would find myself mentally leaving a conversation or losing focus. Social gatherings made me nervous, especially when I was asked to express my views on a certain subject. I strongly believe that living with the wrong partner for so long created this distant side of me. It’s hard to suddenly open up and express when you’ve been suppressed and submissive for so long. It tampers with your ability to interact & express.
However, this was not the case with writing. Writing was the remedy I resorted to every time I was repressed with emotion. It became the voice I never had. All these years I chose to write in silence but from today, I choose to publicize. 

So with that said, here are my Top 16 Power Moves To Empower Your Life: 

1. Pray & Connect with God.

Pray, lake, reading, Jesus, God

One thing I know for certain is that endeavors must always begin with prayer. We know not what lies ahead but yet we fear nothing for the Lord shall guide us and get us through. 

God might be intangible but His presence empowers us. I believe that the opportunity & strength I received to start over is inevitably God-given. My faith does not come from religion alone but from the relationship I share with God. Prayer forms a direct connection between “you & Him” and becomes a constant reminder that you always have someone to talk to. So, seek that spiritual connection before you begin a new journey & you will venture out with confidence and faith. 

When it comes to prayer, you need not overthink things through. Even a moment of silence with your eyes closed is enough to begin with. He asks for nothing more than a few minutes of your time to meditate with Him. Take deep breaths and tell Him your fears, share with Him your goals & ask for wisdom & strength to succeed. 

I believe this is the first step in order to commence an empowering lifestyle. This will turn you into a warrior, ready to take on life & its challenges with your head held high & The Lord by your side. 

2. Evaluate.

Thinking, evaluation, library



Self-analysis plays a very crucial role in personal growth. It reveals to you exactly where you stand in that very moment. 

When I started out I asked myself, “ “What is dragging you down? If not what, then who?” 
I already knew the answers to that question. The evaluation lead me to inspect several aspects of my life including the habits I needed to let go of and the relationships I needed to end in order move upwards. It even revealed to me what I was lacking & what I needed to incorporate into my life such as, a more wholesome routine & a healthier diet. I was able to differentiate between my weaknesses & my strengths. 

Nobody knows you better than yourself which is why conducting a personal evaluation with “yourself” will create an open-minded & unbiased experience. You will know for a fact that there is nobody to judge you for your weaknesses or criticize you for your flaws. You can be totally raw & organic while still being able to circumstance positive results from the assessment. 

Here are the 2 Main Factors that affect Evaluation:

  • Place: “Where” you conduct an Evaluation can play a vital role in producing optimal results, which is why it is very important to find a location that makes you comfortable & allows you to open up with yourself. The safer you feel the more likely you are to enjoy the experience and take away something valuable from it. 
  • Time: Timing matters! You need to be “ready” to come face to face with yourself. It’s sometimes hard to accept the truth especially when you know it’s bitter. It’s easy to point out flaws in others but when it comes to owning up to our own it’s rather humiliating. But remember, this evaluation is with “yourself” so, no insecurities here. Nevertheless, you still need to be ready, both mentally & physically. Mentally, to differ your strengths from weaknesses & physically, to boldly take action & seize opportunities. If the time isn’t right meaning, you are not mentally & physically prepared, it will only distract you and slow you down. So, how do you know when you’re ready? Well, it’s the the moment you can put your emotions aside for just one second & say “nothing & no one is worth feeling degraded or losing my self-respect for”. This is the moment you learn to love & respect yourself because you know you’re ready to take full responsibility over your goals & achieve the life you only dreamed about. 

3. Acceptance.

Acceptance, peace, lake, grateful

Take a look at your life now. You have evaluated & analyzed what is worth holding onto & what is anchoring you from moving upwards. Now that you finally see the truth, you must be sincere enough to accept it. Which brings me to my third step, Acceptance. 

Accept the fact that people, places & character changes over time & that nothing remains permanent. You must learn to let go & see things for “what is” & not “what if”. If you notice red flags in a person or a situation you cannot simply overlook them with the expectation that they might change overnight. Acceptance doesn’t always mean you choose to live with something for the rest of your life, it can also mean you have acknowledged it’s presence in your life but with a willingness to try and change it. 

Once I finished self-evaluating, I accepted the fact that: 
I was allowing people to control my life. 
I changed according to what others thought was best for me. 
I allowed fear, depression & anxiety to submerge me deep into an abyss of non-existence. 
I allowed my flaws & all my short-comings to  prevent me from chasing my dreams. 

However, I did not let this keep me from the life I deserved to live. I chose to accept & move on, to create a stronger version of myself, a woman capable of accepting changes & challenges.

4. Disassociate.

                                    Travel, leaving, disassociate, empowerment

It’s time guys! The 4th step is Disassociation & it requires you to act. This is the move that is actually going to remove you from your comfort zone simply because it isn’t personal anymore. This step is going to challenge you in a way that is only going to change your life for the better. 

You need to take this step & disassociate yourself from the habits & the people who have been standing in the way of your growth. It is your responsibility to remove them from your life keeping in mind your feelings & not theirs. I know this sounds harsh but believe me, you’re not being selfish for wanting to take care of yourself & wanting something better for “you”. 

You identified the barriers in your way & you know that nothing good ever comes out of letting those barriers hinder your path. You need to break through them, even if it means ending a few relationships or discontinuing certain habits.

The day I decided to choose Empowerment as a lifestyle, I had to disassociate with negativity and in order to do that I needed to remove all the people and all the habits that were creating negative energy in my life. This step will be the most challenging but the most rewarding step you can ever make because this will create a more clear path to freedom, growth & a peaceful state of mind. The day you say goodbye to all the toxicity in your life, is the day you give birth to your independence. 

Disassociation will not only give you ownership over your own life but will teach others to respect & value you. All this while you’ve been devalued & unappreciated but once you dismiss those who took you for granted, you will teach them how to be humble & value what they have. 

Now remember, once you disassociate with something or someone in your life, you are to forget about any relationship you once shared with them. You disassociate for “you” not for “them”, so they are no longer your business anymore. You must believe that God will take care of them just as He will take care of you. Let them go & this time, mean it!

5. Routine.

Routine, kitchen, organizing, empowerment, cleaning

Now that you’ve let go of the obstacles in your life, you can finally start focusing on yourself without any distraction. By which I mean, it is now time to create a “Road to Recovery” or as most people would call it, a “Routine”.
Life is too short & too beautiful to waste any time. There is so much you can do in a day if you plan & utilize your time wisely. 

Before I built a fixed schedule for myself, I would notice the days of my life pass by in the blink of an eye. I had accomplished nothing in so many years. I didn’t even have a fixed job. I was entirely dependent on my partner. There was a point in my life when I was made to stay at home because that’s what my partner thought was best for me. Initially I despised it but eventually my body became so used to staying at home that when I actually had the opportunity to work, I felt exhausted. This is why you must never let a relationship drag you away from reality and the normalities of life. You must keep working & never depend on another for your finances. 
Fortunately for me, I managed to get a work from home job which kept me busy & resumed a regular flow of income. 

Anyway, getting back to the point, you must create & stick to your daily routine. By doing so, you learn to take responsibility into your own hands & this gets you closer to achieving your goals. 

Some Empowering Habits to incorporate into your daily routine would include:-

  • Waking up at 5am: According to me, 5am is a very powerful timing. By waking up at 5am, you give yourself plenty of time to utilize in a day. Some people might ask, “What does someone do at this hour?” Well, whatever it is, it beats sleeping in bed & doing nothing. 
  • Hitting the gym: The best habit is to wake up & hit the gym. Working out is so much more than just getting in shape, it’s part of a healthy & empowering lifestyle. Nothing feels better than starting the day by breaking a healthy sweat. The gym is not your only option, you can workout anywhere and any how as long as you’re giving your body the exercise it needs. 
  • Preparing a wholesome breakfast: You’ve heard it before and you can hear it again, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Never ever skip your breakfast. It prepares you to take on the rest of your day. You need to make time to be able to sit & enjoy your first meal of the day without being in a rush. Waking up early will not only give you time to prepare but also finish your breakfast on time.
  • Focus on work, during work: Once you get to work, you literally need to “get to work”. Your focus should be on your work and nothing else. It is a priority never to be taken for granted. Whether you work from home or not, you need to devote those specific hours into being productive. See how you can keep upgrading & increasing your knowledge. After all, we all need to provide for ourselves. However, you do have a life outside of work, which is why you need to “focus on work, during work”. Everything is essential but in limit. 
  • Time for family & friends: Devote a part of your day to check up on family & friends. It’s not always possible to meet but even a phone call or a message is more than enough. If you have people in your life who have supported you through your struggles, make sure to make them feel appreciated & loved. Life can tend to get a little lonely at times without having someone to lean on. 
  • Self care: Make time for yourself. Never forget to appreciate & care for yourself each and every day. Simple things like treating yourself to something nice, painting your nails, soaking in a bubble bath or even giving yourself a pep-talk once in a while could really put your mind at ease. Always love & respect yourself. 
  • Eat RightWe all love our food, don’t we?! How amazing would it be if we could eat whatever we wanted to and get healthier doing so. Unfortunately, our body’s requirement is quite different. We not only need to eat right, but manage calorie intake & consumption timing in order to stay healthy & maintain a stable BMI. Eating right is most definitely a part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Believe me, the benefits are endless & never limited to simply weight loss. The right food at the right time and in the right quantity will have a benefit on your overall well-being as an individual. Eating right doesn’t mean depriving yourself of the food you love, it’s completely normal to enjoy delicious food but in limit and not on a daily basis.                                              Find ways to experiment with different foods. Try to find lower-calorie substitutes that could help cut cravings & avoid diet interruptions. Grant yourself a day in the week to loosen up and break the rules so that you have something in the week to look forward to. Adjust your eating patterns and make things fun but stay consistent and have control. 
  • Make time for prayer: Spiritually meditate with God. Prayer is a form of meditation & helps you ward off any negative energy in your life. Pray for strength, peace & wisdom. Share your troubles with The Lord & allow Him to guide you. Even a few moments of prayer in a day is sufficient to keep you empowered throughout a lifetime. 
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep: Yes! In order to wake up at 5 am you need to sleep at 9pm. It’s simple calculation but in reality it’s not quite as easy, especially for adults. However, it’s a best practice & when implemented can surely produce a fruitful outcome. Initially, it is a matter of practice but eventually, this practice becomes a habit & a part of your daily routine. We all know how the saying goes….“Early to bed & early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy & wise”. We all know it but hardly ever put it into practice. However, if followed, this advice could really become part of a very empowering lifestyle. 
  • Drink at least 10 glasses of water: It is extremely crucial to keep our bodies hydrated. We lose water through simply breathing, sweating & through digestion as well. Water helps the body & mind to function while maintaining a regular body temperature. It is a natural detox known to embody incredible benefits if consumed adequately.

  6. Level-Up.


Get set, on your mark, ready, empowerment

What I love about a routine is the immense power and potential it has to challenge you into stepping up your A-Game. Yes! Establishing a routine is easy but executing one takes commitment & determination.

This brings me to my sixth step, “Level-Up” according to your routine. If you can abide by a schedule every single day to the best of your abilities consider yourself on an accelerated path to success. A routine is going to put you in a position to level-up & prove to yourself that you are capable of change. It will teach & prepare you to take on bigger tasks in the future and brace you to be more confident, composed, punctual & prepared. You can’t help but feel empowered when you learn to manage responsibilities in a more sophisticated manner. Level-up to a standard  which requires you to focus & stay focused on yourself. Show yourself who’s boss!

7. Setting Rules & Boundaries.

Rules, boundaries, standards, empowerment, writing, blogging

An empowered individual makes their own rules & establishes their own boundaries. I believe empowerment is a powerful emotion that arises from self-respect & self-worth. Empowered individuals have tremendous respect for themselves & live by their own terms. They refuse to follow a map but instead, create one. Along with self-respect, comes standards & standards come from setting boundaries. Thus, bring you to my seventh step.

As I embarked on my journey, I was convinced that I needed to prioritize my self-respect above all things & before proceeding with future endeavors. Respect for myself was something I lacked for a very long time & this opened doors for others to disrespect me further. 

Overconfidence is bad but so is lack of confidence. Since I had no confidence, I also had no self-respect & I didn’t think establishing boundaries were necessary. But when people started walking all over me, I realized how important it was to draw the line & not have anyone cross it. When you respect yourself, you will be able to set boundaries according to your level of tolerance. Self-respect will teach others to respect you & your limits. 

I truly admire the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt which goes, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” This for me, is true empowerment. 

8. Goal-Getter.

Goals, goal getter, empowerment

So far, we’ve focused on self-improvement & self-advancement and, we’ve progressed immensely with each step. So now, it’s time to focus on our goals, by achieving one fabulous goal at a time.

One thing I realized about achieving your goals is that you can only do it, one at a time. Achieving a goal takes a lot of planning & executing. You need to devote your entire time & focus on one goal in order to make it a reality. This is why we must take it “one step at a time”.

Take a seat, close your eyes & ask yourself, “What is my first goal?”. Once you’ve done that, write down your answer & start making a plan on how you can achieve that goal. Believe me! Your top-prioritized goal is interconnected to most of your other goals in some way or the other. It might not have a direct connection but you’ll observe a link once your first goal is achieved. 

When I first started out, my goal was to deeply value & respect myself. All I ever dreamed of was to be independent & feel empowered. But today, not only do I feel my best, but I’m also working on changing other’s lives through empowerment. All I can say is work hard, be patient & hang on to your list of goals. Check each goal off one by one as & when you accomplish them. Don’t let a single day pass by without being productive. Don’t stop at nothing. Be a goal-getter.

9. Financial Independence & Freedom.

Financial Independence, financial freedom, relaxing, rich, empowerment, pool-side

Money is extremely powerful, isn’t it?! Can you imagine how such a fragile piece of paper could prove so valuable. It’s true that money could never buy happiness but it can certainly add to your happiness. 

Admit it or not, we all desire financial stability. But is financial stability equal to financial independence & freedom? Of course not! According to me, financial independence is having full control over your finances without having to depend or be accountable to someone. Financial freedom however, is having the same control but without an income limit to restrain you from enjoying the lifestyle you desire. 

Imagine being financially empowered where you can choose your own schedule & be your own boss. Imagine being able to spend time with your friends & family and still have a consistent flow of income. Financial freedom will allow you to focus & create newer & better ideas without having to worry about the cost. It gives you the keys to live & lead the life of your dreams.

I know it’s not something one can achieve overnight, but with a thriving business idea & a highly functional plan, it can be done. Even a small-scale business can turn into a massive empire. It’s all about hard work, patience and a little bit of risk-taking. 

My mother always said, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it” and she was certainly right.  Create a life that you can be proud of & one you can be remembered for. 

10. Inspire & Be Inspired.

Inspire, inspired, empowerment, growth

I believe inspiration is truly an invaluable gift. Being inspired can change a persons mindset & instill the urge to look deep into ones capabilities as an individual. Inspiration can be wonderful, endearing & tremendously powerful when imparted to others. 

I remember how I would scroll through Instagram, repeatedly watching videos & reels of powerful women making their marks. I would listen to their dynamic speeches & get my fill of inspiration. I would scroll through, admiring entrepreneurial success & imagining myself in their shoes. 
Those were the days I accepted inspiration & promised to better myself. I wanted to reach a point in my life where I could inspire others through the inspiration I received. I wanted to make my mark too.

However, one thing I’ve learned is that inspiration is not to be followed by comparison or unhealthy competition. Never compare yourself with someone else & never measure your success with someone else’s. You cannot lead a copycat lifestyle because that will not make you unique or different. You want your success to authentically represent you, not mislead you. Believe in individualism. 

Competition is necessary as long as it’s healthy & not destructive. Remember, the real competition is with yourself. You need to compete to be better than you used to so you can improve & grow daily. Accept inspiration & impart as much of it as you can. 

Inspiration was & is something I will forever hunger for and, it’s also free of cost.
But oh! the value it’s worth….priceless! 
Inspiration is empowerment, whether gained or imparted. If you wish to be empowered you must be inspired and if you wish to empower you must inspire.

  11. What Goes Around Comes Around.                                  

Farris wheel, what goes around comes around, karma

Yes, very cliché! But very familiar. Nothing much to go on about with regards to this saying so, let me simply put it this way, the more you empower others, the more empowerment you receive in return. Empowerment is a beautiful thing & the energy radiated through it is phenomenal. The more I feel empowered, the more I desire to empower others. It’s a feeling too good to keep contained or guarded. Let the energy you impart vibrate back to you.   

12. Lead By Example.
Goal, team, leadership, empowerment, gang, leader

True leaders lead by example. They practice what they preach & meet the standards of a role model. This brings me to my twelfth step

“A leader” may sound powerful, but is always chosen. Those you inspire & empower will begin to look up to you. It’s a responsibility & a position you earned in the hearts of the people. Respect it & lead others by setting an example. It’s important to make people feel like they can trust you, that the advice & lessons you impart are in practice & effective. 

It’s often said that some people are born leaders, which is true. It’s very common and even genetic in nature. However, leaders can also be created.
Your routine, lifestyle, habits & values could have a strong impact on someone who looks up to you. Be your true authentic self & let your individuality attract the right people. Never create a false impression or forcefully try to be a role-model. Remember, you’re embarking on this journey for yourself so that you can enjoy a happier, healthier & more empowered lifestyle, who you inspire or empower in the process is simply growth, so go with the flow.

13. “Know Your Worth Then Add Tax.”

Self worth, Queen, self love, self respect, empowerment

Months ago I asked myself, “Am I worthy?” and surprisingly for someone who thought so little of herself, the answer (even back then) was still, Yes! 

If you truly desire to move forward in life, no amount of depression or anxiety could tell you you’re worthless. You might not have even taken the first step yet but if you’ve had even a fleeting thought of you being in a better place then you’re worthy & you know it. 

A while ago I read something that said “Know your worth then add tax” & this hit me hard. What exactly did I interpret from this though? 
Well, the moment you realize your worth, you recognize how valuable you are & before you share a part of yourself with someone else, make sure they are fully aware of your value but after you’ve added tax. Associate with those who add value to your life, not those who take it upon themselves to determine your value. 

Self-worth is not the same as self-respect. Both are equally important but very different. 
Self-worth is identifying & acknowledging your own value and self-respect is not allowing anyone to cross your boundaries in order to devalue you. They are both crucial with regards to empowerment. 

Always believe that you’re capable of achieving anything you set your mind & heart to. You are worthy of the life you dream of and so much more if you could only begin to value & respect yourself. 

14. Keep Track Of Your Happiness.
Happiness, empowerment, self care, freedom

All we truly long for is happiness. Happiness in our homes, in our jobs & in our lives, in general. Even the most luxurious of lifestyles feel incomplete without a true source of happiness. 

I remember those nights when all I would do is pray for happiness and nothing else. A part of me knew that if I’m happy, I must be doing something I love and miraculously my prayers were answered because now, I’m doing the one thing that makes me happy and that’s pursuing empowerment through my blog & lifestyle. 

I’ve said it to many others & I’ll continue to say it, “Keep track of your happiness”. It would be a shame to run after something materialistic or temporary with the objective of monetary gain but no scope of happiness & peace of mind. Choose your lifestyle while prioritizing and keeping your happiness in mind. Always remember, everything you do is for yourself, this whole process of self growth & empowerment is for “you”, so make sure you find happiness in everything you do. 

15. Forgive But Never Forget.                                                    

Thinking, forgive, remember, empowerment

“I’ve come a long way since then”, is what I keep telling myself almost every other night before bed. It’s a gentle reminder to go easy on myself now that I’ve reached a point of independence & empowerment. However, on other nights when I can’t sleep, I think of the people who stood in my way. The people who hurt me and got me thinking I was incapable of a better future. I think about the people who shamed me & reduced my mindset to what it used to be and how much more difficult that made my journey. I think about those who lead me towards depression & threw me off a cliff of anxiety & mental trauma. I think about the many tears I wept on sleepless nights & all the people who were responsible for it and then, I pray for them. I thank God for placing them in my life so I could learn to battle hardships, overcome struggles & ultimately, learn to forgive. 

I forgave those who wronged me because they are equally responsible for who I am today. They were in my life for a reason. However, I cannot & will not forget. 
The memory of my pain is what strengthened me throughout my journey. These painful memories helped me make decisions & choose between who gets to stay and who needs to leave. These memories will forever guide & protect me from what lies ahead.

Forgiveness is powerful. It helps to release a lot of the heavy baggage we carry over our shoulders. It allows us to lead a life without hate & grief. Forgiveness is also a form of empowerment. However, never forget your struggles & how it shaped you into the person you are today. Never forget who you were and let your growth since then, motivate you to keep growing & achieving more.

16. Boss-Up!                                

Boss lady, empowerment, empowered women, suit, confidence

How powerful does that sound, “Boss-Up”?!
Hell Yes! You earned the right to say it. 

You are now officially physically, mentally & emotionally prepared to be the boss you truly are. It’s hard to reach a position where you can actually take a seat back & watch your empire grow. At this point you know that you are capable of running an empire & living the dream you always dreamed of.  It’s a standard you set for yourself & now you’re here. 
A lot of us are still not “here” yet, but we’re getting there & YES, we will!

I might have got you wondering if an empire refers to a multi-billion dollar company that generates millions of jobs but no, your empire is anything you establish on your own, even if it’s your own blog. 
As long as you know you’ve built your empire on a strong foundation, be rest-assured it will keep growing & will not be shaken. 

One day your little empire will reach massive heights with sheer consistency & hard work. Opportunities will come your way in the most unexpected circumstances. Doors will open up & new relationships will manifest. However, stay connected to your roots, hold onto kindness, gratitude, graciousness, spirituality, sympathy & empathy. Powerful & empowered bosses never forget their upbringing and principles. Boss-Up but never boss over anyone. Impart knowledge & skills & allow people to embrace your energy at their own pace. 

With this, I conclude my first blog. It was an absolute pleasure writing for you. Thank you for taking the time to read through. I sincerely hope you were motivated & driven to pursue a more “Empowered You”.
                            Feel free to subscribe to my blog so you can stay updated with new content. 

Power & Love, x.
Natasha Patra 💕

Natasha Patra


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