Routine Empowerment: 17 Habits To Build A “Power Routine”.

Routine, empowerment, stretching, mornings
“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine”🌸

Empowerment arises from knowing how worthy you truly are. It’s all about self-respect & self-love. It’s about strengthening your mind into believing that you can achieve anything you set it to. However, goals can only be achieved with passion, hard work & a consistent routine. 

How you build your routine will create the foundation of your success but it’s how consistently you follow through that will ultimately deliver success to you. The more you respect & stick to your schedule, the faster you achieve your list of goals. 

The day I decided to choose Empowerment as a lifestyle, I knew I needed to take a close look at my existing habits and make necessary rectifications. I knew I needed to eliminate, incorporate and even alter certain aspects of my life that needed change. I finally realized that this is my life and I needed to take control of it. 

To learn a little more about my journey towards Empowerment, feel free to click on the following link:

With that said, here are my Top 15 Habits Needed To Build A Power Routine: 

1. Wake Up At 5:00 am.

5:00am, routine, empowerment, coffee, reading, independent

Yes, I know! 5:00am does sound like an intimidating time but there’s something about it that certainly makes it a power hour. I personally feel like adjusting your routine in order to wake up at this hour is challenging but definitely rewarding. Now remember, not everyone is a morning person. A lot of us actually work the afternoon or overnight shifts so it’s quite understandable that this might not always be a possibility. But nevertheless, waking up at 5:00 am is one of the many top empowering moves to incorporate into your lifestyle. Here are some of the advantages that come along with being an early bird:

  • Early to bed, early to rise: Most of you are aware of the expression “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy & wise”. This is a proverb often underrated but immensely powerful and can be true if followed wisely. By waking up at 5:00 am you train yourself to go to bed by 9:00 pm in order to complete at least 8 hours of sleep. 
  • Silence: 5:00 am is a silent hour. It’s still dark and silent, allowing you to start your morning routine but without the usual hustle & bustle. You could meditate, go for a walk, hit the gym, drink your morning tea while reading a novel or simply take the time to focus on little things that you might not be able to focus on during the day.
  • Fresh Air: I gotta’ say, the quality of air early in the morning is simply exquisite. It’s also very healthy to breathe some of this air into your lungs and what better time to than early in the morning. 
  • Faster metabolism: You have the highest metabolic rate in the morning which makes exercising at this time a lot more productive. Meaning no interruptions, only focus. You can effectively utilize every metabolic count to a better extent while increasing your energy levels & stamina.
  • You’ time: We all need some time for ourselves in the mornings, whether it is to workout, prepare breakfast or  get ready to face the day ahead. Your mind is clearest in the morning allowing you to experience an organic & authentic connection  with yourself.
  • Enough time for breakfast: Breakfast is fuel and is in fact, the most important meal of the day. Your body has been resting for 8 hours straight and needs food to function properly. By waking up at 5:00 am, you allow yourself enough time to prepare breakfast & eat it too, along with having time to spare to complete other tasks of your morning routine. 
  • Beat the morning traffic: Traffic could really get heavy depending on where you live and the route you normally take to work. Waking up early will allow you to leave for work earlier than you usually do if you’re looking to beat the morning traffic. Because let’s be honest, nobody ever likes being stuck in a traffic jam right before work.
  • Get more done: As adults we reckon sleeping early would leave a lot left incomplete but in reality, a lot more could be achieved by waking up early. You’re not really losing any hours, you’re just adjusting your time to accomplish things more productively and without any distraction. 

2. Hit The Gym.

Routine, empowerment, empowered women, gym, work out

 Exercise is extremely crucial & necessary, not just to get in shape but also to get fit & stay healthy. Working out can slow down the aging process and add years to your life. You can workout anywhere you like but if you prefer cardio and other forms of fast-paced exercise then you should consider joining a gym. 
Here are some advantages of hitting the gym:

  • Socialize with the morning crowd: Physical exercise is important but it’s also equally important to exercise your mind. Socializing with a like-minded crowd is a great way to boost your mental health and make new friends.
  • Variety of workout equipment: Working out requires focus, hard work and consistency. Sometimes, it gets boring having to exercise in the same spot or due to restricted workout equipment. However, with gyms, you’ll be spoiled for choice. You can move about freely and challenge your body to try out different equipment.
  • More energy to face the day: You know that morning sweat after a great workout? The kind that leaves you feeling like you can accomplish anything the day has to offer. Well, that's the kind of energy you need in life. Gym's motivate you to get out of bed, throw on some workout gear and go get your daily pump.
  • Reduces depression, anxiety & stress: I've experienced this myself and heard from many others as well of the advantages derived from working out at a gym. For someone who has suffered from severe depression, anxiety & stress, the gym really proved to be my safe space. You can be yourself and surround yourself with non-judge mental people who support you. 
  • Increases confidence: The more you hit the gym, the more acquaintances you make. People will eventually start to notice and appreciate your efforts. You'll start feeling mentally and physically lighter. You'll eventually start to look and feel your best too. It will only be a matter of time before your confidence is at it's peak and you start to feel empowered. 

3. Pray.

Pray, empowerment, routine

  • Form of meditation: Prayer is a direct link between “You & God”. It’s the connection that builds the foundation of an unbreakable and everlasting bond. Prayer is also another form of meditation. If ever stress, anxiety or depression tries to get the better of you, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and pray for calmness and strength. 
  • Improves mental, emotional & spiritual well-being: Overall well-being is the ultimate goal. It’s not simply enough to look good, the aim is to feel good too. Prayer will give your mind the relaxation it needs and leave you feeling healthy from within. 
  • You will never feel alone: You will always have someone to talk to. God will always listen. It’s hard to find a generous ear without a running mouth. However, with Prayer you can share anything without judgement and criticism.
  • It works!: Prayer is powerful. I have experienced God’s mercy and blessings in extraordinary ways. It might seem upsetting at times to speak but never receive a response. Well then, think again because you’re never left unheard either. God always comes through for you in one way or another. He might not give you everything you ask for but he will always give you something better than you can ever expect.

4. Never Skip Breakfast.

Breakfast, routine, empowerment

 As I mentioned earlier, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped.. Here are some advantages of consuming a wholesome breakfast:

  • Activates mind & body productivity: It’s hard to think on an empty stomach and I think we all can relate to this, right?! If your mind does not function, your body will slow down as well. A wholesome breakfast will leave you feeling fuller for longer so you can focus entirely on your daily tasks.  
  • Reduces bloating & digestive stress: An empty stomach will lead to gas in anticipation of food which will leave you feeling bloated and uneasy. The morning bloat and indigestion is mostly due to skipping breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast on time will help you feel satiated up until your next meal. 
  • Improves immunity & fights illness: Breakfast usually includes most of your daily vitamins & minerals. It should be the heaviest meal you consume in the day so make sure to include your favorite fruits, vegetables, dairy, carbs, proteins & fibers. Consuming a wholesome breakfast will strengthen your immune system and help battle illness.
  • Improves mood & focus levels: There is no one moodier than one with an empty stomach. People tend to come off as irritable when controlling their hunger. The right breakfast will uplift your mood and even help you focus better. 

5. Focus On Work, During Work.

Work, routine, empowerment

Work is definitely a priority and should be given due importance however, if you focus too much on work you just might lose touch with the main purpose of being alive, which is to live & enjoy life. You need to try to balance both work and your personal life so that you don’t end up missing out. Here are some advantages of focusing on work, during work but not after:

  • Motivates you to get work done faster: When you know you need to meet a certain time frame, you’re bound to challenge your mind to perform faster and better. You’ll learn to segregate work load so as to avoid overburdening yourself. 
  • Something to look forward to: It’s always nice to know you have something to look forward to, even if it’s just a cozy evening with yourself soaking in a bubble bath and sipping some fine wine. It’s only natural that after a long & hard day’s work, you’re mind and body both crave for something more fun and relaxing. There’s no harm in working and still making time to enjoy life.
  • Life management: Sometimes, work becomes the center of our focus. Whenever this happens, we lose sight of all other aspects of life that are also of equal importance, if not more. It’s important to learn priority management and dedicate a fixed time towards work so that we don’t miss out on the beauty of life. 

6. Always Show Up 15 Minutes Early.

Early, 15 minutes early, routine, empowerment

One of the best habits in life is to show up earlier than expected. Showing up late is never an option anyway. I believe 15 minutes is a good enough time frame to prepare, both mentally & physically. Some advantages of showing up early are: 

  • Time management: Showing up 15 minutes before time will teach you how to manage your time. Punctuality is always appreciated, especially when there’s another party involved. If you want others to respect your time, make sure to respect theirs as well. 
  • Good impression: The best way to make a good impression is to show up earlier than expected. There’s nothing wrong with showing up “on time”however, showing up earlier exhibits your seriousness towards the business in hand. 
  • No last minute preparation: The best advantage about being early is that you have plenty of time in hand to settle down and feel at ease. You’ll have time to take a couple of deep breaths and prepare yourself physically & mentally. 

7. Make Time For Family & Friends.

Family, friends, celebration, routine, empowerment

 There is nothing more important than holding on tight to your family & friends. Life is shorter than we know. We will eventually have to leave behind all materialistic commodities but the bond and memories we share with others will always remain with us. Never lose touch with those who make your life happier. Some advantages of making time for your loved ones are: 

  • Relaxation: Your family and friends are the only ones you can truly be yourself around. You can speak your mind freely without being judged. You will always have someone to lean on when things get hard. Spending quality time with loved ones could put you in a state of relaxation and ease your mind off stress and difficulties.
  • Maintains relationships: Making time for loved ones will teach you how to respect and value your relationships. If someone is in your life, they’re there for a reason. We often tend to push people away in fear of losing them. We allow our weaknesses and doubts to overpower us and become the reason for our failed relationships. Your friends and family will always be there for you so hold onto them and never let them go. 

8. “Me” Time.

Me time, you time, self care, routine, empowerment

Do you have time for yourself? Do you consider yourself a priority? If the answer is vague and leaves you wondering then it’s about time you start introducing some “You time” to your daily routine. Here are some advantages of spending quality time with yourself:   

  • Self-love & self-respect: Giving yourself time everyday is the best way to love and respect yourself. If you choose to make yourself a priority, others will too. By inadequately showing love and respect towards yourself, you are granting others the permission to do the same. Keep choosing “you” no matter what. Know your worth and give importance to it by taking care of yourself. Expect more from yourself and not from others that way you avoid disappointment.
  • Discover yourself: “You time” creates space to explore and discover yourself from deep within. If you know yourself, it makes it easier for you to show others who you truly are which gives them a better understanding of your personality & preferences. A lot of us do not know what we want from life but spending time with oneself will create a better understanding and eliminate confusion.

9. Organize Your Home.

Organize home, laundry, cleaning, routine, empowerment

 Your home says a lot about you. It is sacred and you must make it as comfortable as possible. Having a clean and organized home could really change the way you live and feel. Here are some advantages: 

  • Attracts positivity: Cleanliness is next to Godliness! You’re probably aware of this expression right?! Well, there’s a lot of truth within it.  Cleanliness attracts positivity. Your home is your safe-space. Try to keep it neat and organized, make it smell good and allow it to reflect your personality. If you don’t feel “at home” in your own home then you’re doing something wrong. You spend a lot of personal time here so make sure you feel safe, comfortable and happy.
  • Teaches you to be more responsible: It’s not always easy to keep your home clean but once you start doing so, it will become a habit and you won’t be able to stand a day in an untidy living space. Organizing your home will teach you to be more responsible and that it is easier to maintain the cleanliness everyday than to exhaust yourself deep cleaning once in a while. Cleaning daily will save you time and leave your home looking spic & span all the time. 
  • Better mood: Walking into a clean home after an exhausting day will automatically raise your spirit and uplift your mood. Imagine the sweet aroma of scented candles and breathing in a dust-free environment. If your home is neat and organized you don’t have to worry about settling up a mess or frantically looking around for things you need. 
  • Always guest friendly: Keeping your home clean and organized will allow you to invite guests over at any point of time without having to worry about settling things up. Sometimes an unexpected guest might show up to surprise you and you may feel hesitant to welcome them in because of a messy home. Once you clean, learn to maintain it so that you can always have a guest-friendly environment which you can be proud to call home. 

10. Learn A New Recipe Everyday.

Recipe, cooking, chef, food, routine, empowerment

Apart from breakfast, it can be useful to know how to prepare other meals. If you try to cook a new recipe everyday, you would have learned seven new recipes in a week. Some advantages of doing this are: 

  • You become a better cook: Practice makes perfect! Thus, practicing everyday can really improve your skills in the kitchen. Before you know it, you’ll be quickly cooking up delicious meals for yourself and your loved ones. 
  • Cost friendly: Knowing how to cook could save you a lot of money. Eating out everyday is not healthy and could pinch your pockets  if you’re not careful. If you’re used to eating out everyday, try to calculate the total cost of food for the entire month and ask yourself if you really need to make that kind of expense on the kind of food you can most certainly cook better at home. 
  • No food boredom: It’s common that you might like a dish cooked a certain way but it’s quite probable you might not always get that perfection by eating out. By learning to cook, you get to improvise the dish you love according to your taste without having to spend the extra bucks. Also, it’s possible to cook a larger quantity at home for the same amount you spend outside since you avoid the cost incurred on transportation, meal preparation, tax and customer service. Also, if you’re counting calories, you could prepare your favorite dish using lower calorie substitutes. You could experiment and have fun even on a budget. 
  • Essential life skill: Cooking is definitely considered an essential life skill. You can’t turn into a master chef over night but it certainly helps to know the trade. It’s not always possible to eat out and knowing how to cook even a simple meal could prove very useful in case of emergencies. 

11. Watch & Share At Least One Empowering Post Daily.

Post, social media, routine, empowerment

 Social media has the power to influence and even control people. It’s definitely productive when used for good but can be toxic when used inconsiderably. So, if you’re planning to post or share something, make sure it’s empowering and healthy for your viewers. Here are some advantages of posting at least one empowering post a day: 

  • Empower & feel empowered: On my darkest days, I would always find myself getting captivated by videos and reels of powerful women and men speaking words of empowerment to encourage their audiences. I was never really active on social media but what I did love to do was watch and share inspiring posts to motivate others. From this I came to find many others who related and responded to these posts. I was never alone and there were so many others who also wanted to find a way out of the distorted realm they were living in. I noticed, the more I empowered someone the more I felt empowered and this became something I wanted to pursue full time. 
  • Active online presence: By sharing at least one empowering post daily, I began to enjoy social media a lot more. It became more than just meaningless scrolling. I felt as though my presence had meaning. I was elated and aware of how my posts were able to motivate at least one other soul out there besides myself. 
  • Make new friends: Sometimes your posts tend to reflect your emotions. It’s natural for your posts to attract people who feel the same way or share the same opinion as you do. Sharing empowering posts will introduce you to other empowered individuals or those who are seeking empowerment. Social media can be very useful if used wisely. 

12. Drink At Least 10 Glasses Of Water A Day.

Water, 10 glasses of water, routine, empowerment

Water is the source of life but often insufficiently consumed. The benefits derived from water can be very impressive and change your life if consumed adequately and consistently. Here are some advantages of drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day:

  • Better digestion: Including plenty of fluids into your system can work wonders on your digestive tract. 10 glasses of water a day is more than enough to flush out unhealthy toxins and speed up your metabolism while reducing appetite. It also makes it easier for you to, in simple words…poop! Water helps to prevent stomach disorders and lack of stamina due to dehydration.
  • Detox for clear skin: People often complain that they drink water but see no results. Well, consistency is key for everything. Water is a natural fluid and has no chemicals included, so the process may be slower but do continue this for a month and I’m sure the results will astound you. 
  • Restricts unnecessary binging: Sometimes meal portions may be inadequate depending on the food included. For people on a diet, binging becomes their worst enemy. Water has the ability to fill you up and help you stay fuller for longer. I’ve also noticed that drinking green tea between meals could in fact cut down your appetite levels. Feel free to introduce zero calorie teas or other low calorie accompaniments to your water to encourage you to stick to simply water instead of reckless snacking. 

13. Eat Right.

Eat right, health, healthy, lifestyle, diet, food, nutrition, routine, empowerment

A healthy diet is part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s a choice which requires determination and consistency. Know that the benefits derived in the long run will make all the difference. With that said, here are the reasons why “eating right” will change your life: 

  • Maintains BMI: BMI or Body Mass Index is the value derived from the mass and height of a person. The normal adult BMI is 18.5-24.9. It’s very important to eat right in order to maintain your BMI and fall under a healthy category. It makes no sense to lose weight by depriving yourself of necessary vitamins and minerals. If you choose to eat right, you could plan out your diet chart in a way that you could include healthy foods and still make it delicious. 
  • Daily intake of vitamins & minerals: By choosing to eat right, you choose to include vitamins and minerals into your daily food consumption. Consuming nutritious food daily will show longstanding benefits on your health and also increase your life span. 
  • Improved stamina, immunity & appearance: You’ll be surprised how a healthy diet could contribute to your life. You’ll start to feel more active and healthier from within. Once you start feeling good internally, it’ll start to show on your face and even in your behavior. You will begin to glow like never before. 
  • Creativity in the kitchen: The day I chose to eat right, I knew it was going to be a challenge. For someone like myself, who enjoys eating out and trying new food, it started to become hard for me at one point. I realized I needed to switch things up in order to be able to pull this off. I started to look for low calorie substitutes to be able to recreate my favorite dishes. For instance, instead of rice I would use cauliflower rice and instead of noodles I would use zucchini. At first, it took time for my palate to adjust to the taste but I knew that by doing this, I was in fact, consuming healthier. If you choose to be healthy, you will get creative and find a way to adjust to the lifestyle. 

14. Refrain From Gossip.

Gossip, no gossip, rainbow, routine, empowerment

 I have never liked to gossip with or about anyone. It simply wastes time and gets you nowhere. Refraining from gossip is one way to begin an empowering lifestyle. Here are some reasons to stay away from gossip:

  • Blocks negativity: People have a way of clogging your mind with negative thoughts about others. By refraining from gossip you automatically block negativity from your mind. 
  • Disassociates you from toxic people: By choosing to avoid gossip, you choose to disassociate toxic people from your life. People who have time to talk trash about others will only create confusion and lead you nowhere. Don’t engage with negativity, always prove yourself to be better than that by staying away from meaningless conversation. 
  • Avoids misunderstandings: Gossip leads to misunderstandings that are often never resolved because the one spreading false information will never own up to what they say. So many great relationships end or never even get the chance to start because of such meaningless assumptions. Life is too short to waste on false acclamations. 

15. Speak Your Mind….Immediately!

Speak up, talk, discuss, speak your mind, confrontation, routine, empowerment

Speaking up immediately when disrespected or insulted could remove a ton of road blocks in your journey. You don’t have to be rude or respond back in a disrespectful manner but it’s very important to set standards and make people aware of your boundaries. Some advantages of speaking up immediately are: 

  • Set things straight: Speaking your mind immediately is the right way to set things straight. I’ve noticed that cowing down to others or tolerating their negative behavior could eventually put you in a tough situation. If you feel like something isn’t right, speak up.
  • People understand your boundaries before hand: Speaking your mind doesn’t mean exhibiting arrogance, it simply tells people you have boundaries and you’re not someone to tolerate unnecessary conflict. By being up-front and honest with others, you make people aware of how much you are willing to tolerate as an individual.
  • Makes life easier: Life becomes easier when people understand your personality and know exactly how you expect to be treated. If you don’t let someone know how you’re feeling, they tend to misunderstand your silence for submission. Whether at home, at work or with friends, it’s important to create the base for comfortable interaction in the long run. 
  • Teaches others to respect you: Speaking your mind immediately without waiting, shows you have respect for yourself and this teaches others to respect you too. It’s likely that they might get offended or dislike you initially but at least they will think twice before disrespecting you. Respect is more important than getting people to like you. Never sacrifice your respect for a moment of laughter only to succumb to a lifetime of being misunderstood & mistreated.

16. Save-Up.

Money, savings, financial security, money management, routine, empowerment

Money management is extremely important. The most crucial step of money management is “Saving”. You need to earn in order to survive in the present and save in order to to secure your future. The advantages of saving are:

  • Teaches you money management: Saving will teach you how to manage your money better. Once your savings are kept aside, your expenses will be based on what’s left over. Once you put your savings aside, forget about it. As soon as saving becomes a habit, you will find yourself in a better place financially.
  • Proves vital in times of emergency: Saving secures you for times of unexpected emergency. Life can be unpredictable and there’s no saying when you’ll need the extra money to cover up additional costs. It’s always a good habit to save. 
  • Secures your future financially: As mentioned above, financial security is necessary and once you start saving you will always have the peace of mind knowing you don’t have to depend on anyone for finance in the future. It makes sense to work hard now and make the required sacrifices than to struggle later on in life. 

17. Dress Well.

Dress well, suit up, confidence, look good, routine, empowerment, fashion

How you dress has a direct impact on the way you feel. Dress for “you” not for others. Your style preference has every right to be unique and trendsetting as long as you feel comfortable in it. Dressing well can really boost your confidence and give people a sense of your personality. Some advantages of being well-dressed are:

  • Look good, feel good: I’ve noticed that every time I dress well, I feel more empowered. Every time my outfit is on point, it makes me feel all the more confident knowing that I look good. It’s always nice to receive compliments and appreciation for your dressing sense. By dressing well, it shows others you appreciate and enjoy taking care of yourself. 
  • Always leaves a good impression: Your outfit has the ability to make for a good or a bad first impression. Grooming is an important part of how you want others to perceive you but how you perceive yourself is more important. Your wardrobe has the ability to determine your personality so have fun and make the best of it.
  • Learn new fashionable trends: The world of fashion is always evolving. Fashion keeps changing according to the times so it’s always good to observe and try out new trends. When you have the interest to dress well, you will pay attention to which style of clothing suits you best and which brands empower you the most.
With this, I conclude my 2nd blog. I hope you enjoyed this read and feel encouraged to create an empowering routine using the tips provided. Never be intimidated by a routine, accept the challenge and allow the change to empower you. 
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Power & Love, x.
Natasha Patra 💕
Empowerment, routine, boss lady, woman empowerment, Natasha Patra, blogger, sun kissed


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